+Crataegomespilus Bonnieri

Parents :

Graft hybrid between hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and medlar (Mespilus Germanica)

Origine :

Epine-Néflier de LA GRANGE à SAUJON - 1902

Found in Saujon near La Rochelle (France) of a medlar grafted on hawthorn. The three hybrids obtained on this hawthorn where called Crataegomespilus Bonnieri, Crataegomespilus Bruni, Crataegomespilus Rivieri

Growth habit :

Small tree, less thorny than Crataegomespilus Dardari

Foliage :

Tomentose medlar leaves but smaller than wild medlar leaves

Flowers :

Small medlar flowers in corymb

Fruits :

Small brown hawthorn-like fruits